Our Mission Statement: WIN. GROW. SEND.
WIN: We want to see the people of the earth won to Christ by the Spirit of God that empowers us (Acts 1:8).
GROW: We want to see God's disciples grow through the teaching of the entire Bible to His flock (Acts 20:27).
SEND: We want to send out the children of God to make disciples of all nations (Matt 28:19) and WIN more people of the earth to Christ.
Church860 is a Calvary Chapel church established in 2016 in Westerville, OH and led by Pastor Khris Rogers. Pastor Khris teaches the Bible in a way you can understand in a 'Book by Book, Chapter by Chapter' format. We skip no part of the Bible ensuring our people are well fed.
Pastor Khris Rogers and Michelle Rogers
Khris and Michelle Rogers felt led to plant church860 in Westerville because it is the community they "Do Life" in. Khris is a long time resident of Westerville and Michelle has lived there her whole life. "We believe the Lord is opening the door for a Calvary Chapel style church in the community of Westerville and we look forward to serving the community there." - Rogers Family
1 Kings 8:60 describes the reason we do church, why we make disciples of all nations, and what our purpose is in this thing called LIFE. It is also the ONLY Chapter 8 Verse 60 in the entire bible.
"...that all the peoples of the earth may know that the Lord is God; there is no other."
- 1 Kings 8:60